The Art of Traveling Solo

Sturmfrei (adj.): The freedom of being alone and being able to do what your heart desires.

Traveling solo can be intimidating. Especially as a woman. The first time I told people this was how my trip was going to go was in October of 2018. After a lot of assurances on how I was going to stay safe and what my plan was, some of the worries were minimized. As a woman, people often think it’s not safe to travel alone. But with a little strategy and preparation, you’ll rarely be alone when you travel.

Staying in hostels, I always say I’m not traveling alone, I just haven’t met who I will be traveling with yet. Picking the right hostel is the first step to finding like-minded travelers who are also probably solo. I always try to find a hostel that has a bar or a pool in it. Something that encourages social interaction if you just sit there and wait. This also helps for those of us who maybe don’t want a dorm room, but still want to make friends. Many hostels have incredible staff who will go out of their way to make your stay feel memorable. It also doesn’t hurt that you can be living on a budget while backpacking and staying in hostels. So many people are also alone on their journey, and whether they sit for a moment or become a larger part of your trip, the people you meet in hostels have an impact on you. They may even lead you to unexpected gems that you never considered on your trip.

Now, I don’t want to give the impression that it is always incredible. It can be a bit intimidating to travel alone. The first time I step off a plane in a foreign country I am always a bit nervous. I’m also aware though that I am smart, capable, and independent. There are going to be moments when you feel lonely, especially on long trips. I would advise you to get comfortable in this loneliness because you do learn a lot about yourself in these moments. So bring a book, a journal, some good headphones, and things that you can have that make you feel comfortable when you can’t socialize with people. These moments give you the chance to reflect on who you are in your loneliness, and why that is okay. Solo travel promotes growth and getting outside of your comfort zone. It’s something I think everyone should do at least once. There really is something special about not having to factor in anyone else’s expectations or desires when you’re on the adventure. Independence is not something that is easy, but it is something that will show you that you’re a fully capable and badass individual. Don’t let the fear of being alone stop you from traveling solo. Know that you will meet people, and you will have an incredible experience. It is a lot easier to blow off a stranger when you don’t like their plans than it is a friend. Chase the adventure, book that solo trip, and don’t look back.


Spontaneity vs Structure


Wildlife Friends Foundation, Thailand